Can Websites Be ‘Hyper-Relevant’ to Generation Z?

Can Websites Be ‘Hyper-Relevant’ to Generation Z?

Few things are as risky as making predictions about a year ahead. Last year, for example, might have been seen in optimistic terms for businesses as the pandemic eased, only for the economic impact of Europe’s biggest war in decades to cause a new surge in inflation and shunt the UK economy towards recession.

Predicting marketing trends for 2023 may sound like a mug’s game, but the Drum has nonetheless invited various experts in the field to offer their own thoughts. Those responsible for digital marketing in Hull businesses may take note, but also be ready for the unexpected.

Among the expert claims was that a certain post-pandemic extravagance seen in 2022 would be replaced in 2023 with a more “balanced” and “purposeful” approach focused on areas like accessible technology and sustainability.

A more specific suggestion was that providing a “hyper-relevant and innovative mix of digital and social content and channels” is crucial for generation Z, which is the chief buyer of online goods and therefore a marketing priority. This would involve tapping into contemporary values ranging from gender fluidity to body positivity and a distrust of government.

This suggests that the user experience, design, use of multiple platforms and focus on certain themes need to be particularly concentrated. But it might also be suggested that some ideas in vogue with Generation Z may prove faddish and slip out of fashion before long. The trouble is, nobody can guess when or which they might be.

While causes and values might change, the need to provide a good user experience, personalisation and utilise multiple channels appears a common theme. For example, Real Wire’s predictions for mobile marketing in 2023 majored on these elements as well.

Some predictions may prove wide of the mark, but not that younger consumers will continue to be the demographic most likely to shop online - albeit not the one with the most disposable income. Thus, the need to be sensitive to this group is evident.

However, it may be that being ‘hyper-relevant’ requires more than just a guess to be made each January of what constitutes the right strategy, but constant reassessment.