How To Choose A Web Designer

How To Choose A Web Designer

You have read the importance of good-quality web design and researched what changes you need to make to your website to attract more business, but when it comes to finding the right designer for your enterprise, you don’t know how to start looking. Here are some tips on hiring a web designer that will boost your business in no time.

  • Understands you

Web designers are experts at creating or transforming websites to make them appealing to passing traffic. However, you are the expert in your business, so it is important to find one that is prepared to listen to your brief, ideas, and vision, and understands what you want from your website.

It is worthless having a lovely looking website, if it doesn’t portray the branding correctly or have an appropriate call to action that you are expecting, so make sure these things are made clear and you are confident the designer will implement them.

  • Reviews

These days, we check the reviews of everything, from holidays to small kitchen appliances. So, why should it be different with the person or company that is going to create the online face of your brand?

Make sure you look up previous customer feedback, and try to get genuine reviews, not just the ones they have displayed on their website, as these are always going to be positive.

If you are choosing a company that doesn’t have a lot of commercial experience, make sure to still look through their portfolio. Don’t be put off hiring a new starter, as this is an opportunity to direct them and get exactly what you want from your site.

  • SEO-focused

Web designers that are handling your content, as well as graphics, need to have a knowledge and understanding of search engine optimisation (SEO).

Businesses that want to feature higher on internet search results need to improve their SEO, and need specialists to be able to do this. Even if your website looks amazing, this will not add any value to your enterprise if nobody is able to find it when searching for your business.

By tailoring content and metadata to target your ideal audience, this will result in more traffic to the website, which, in turn, helps to improve its Google ranking. As a result, you will achieve more leads and, eventually, a higher turnover.

  • Mobile adaptations

It is sensible to find a web designer that can make your website mobile- and app-friendly, as most people use their handheld devices these days when on the internet, as opposed to their PCs.

Indeed, according to Statista, mobile devices (excluding tablets) produced 54.4 per cent of global website traffic and it has been responsible for around half of all traffic since 2017.

This highlights the importance of having a website that can be adapted to mobile screens, so it looks as good, and functions just as well, on your device, particularly if your target market is young.

Forbes stated: “If your site is not able to load on a mobile, then you are going to lose substantial clients and sales.”

For web design in Hull, East Yorkshire, give us a call today.