The 3 Big E-Commerce Decisions To Make

The 3 Big E-Commerce Decisions To Make

Developing your business strategy can overwhelm you with all the critical decisions you need to make to ensure your business launch is a success. But what if you only had to make three decisions that will make the rest of your decision-making much easier?

We have looked at how focusing on web design, product fulfilment, and traffic generation, as well as choosing your outsourcing partners carefully can help you win at e-commerce marketing.

Product fulfilment

You will likely have to choose between dropshipping or FBA (Fulfilment By Amazon, or a similar online retailer). Let’s have a look at some of the key differences.

Dropshipping can help to reduce costs and will simplify operations, and it will allow you to sell products without needing to stock them. Mitigating storage and shipping mean that you’ll have more time.

With FBA, you do not have to be concerned with warehousing, picking, packing, or shipping, as Amazon will take care of all the details once they have your inventory. Customers will also deal with Amazon as the first point of contact for customer service.

FBA can be the more lucrative option that has a higher growth potential than dropshipping, but it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons first.

Optimum Web Design

As with a physical store, you will want visitors to your e-commerce store to have a positive experience. This means you will need a user-friendly, highly functional, and aesthetically pleasing design. As a store owner, your goal should be to facilitate easy online shopping and checkout.

However, developing a professional, feature-rich website with a DIY website builder will be difficult. This is why you should engage with a third-party e-commerce website design company that has an excellent reputation for planning, designing, and developing professional e-commerce websites.

Traffic Generation Strategy

There are several ways to drive organic traffic to your website using search engine optimisation (SEO), such as using keyword research tools to find the best relevant, low competition, and high traffic keywords that are being searched for within your business’s niche, and which are being used by your competition.

SEO improves traffic, conversions, and revenue. It will enhance your ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs). Once you’ve included all your keywords and metadata into your web pages, search engines will go to work to provide relevant information to your target audience about what your online store offers.


Building a profitable e-commerce store means investing a lot of time, money and resources, and your success will be determined by how well you market and sell your products and brand. Starting with these three decisions can help make the process easier.

They will not be the only big decisions you will need to make, not by a long way, but for an e-commerce business, they should be the first decisions you make.

They will help customers find your brand, e-commerce website, and products by making use of SEO, a professional website will make the experience of shopping with you pleasurable, and make it easy to purchase your products, and finally, your fulfilment strategy will ensure your customers receive their products quickly and efficiently.

If you’re looking for professional e-commerce website design in Hull, get in touch today.