Digital Marketing… What’s It All About?

Digital Marketing… What’s It All About?

Where marketers would once hand over large sums of money and rely on traditional print media and broadcast advertisements to find and reach their audience, the digital age has dramatically and significantly improved marketing. 

The advent of social media and electronic communication, from email to WhatsApp, has revolutionised the way that businesses advertise their services or products. 

Developing a digital marketing strategy and leveraging the tools at your disposal now help you reach your target audience in a far more efficient and personalised way.

With people doing everything via the internet in the 21st century, it is important to make sure you’re part of the digital world and join the world of digital marketing. We take a closer look at what it is and why your business needs it.

What is Digital Marketing?

It’s all about the internet when it comes to digital marketing and these days there are so many options for producing content and different platforms available for companies to target and attract more custom their way.

When it first appeared in 1990, it drove the development of the web, which allowed internet users to be able to find what they were looking for. In 1993, the first clickable banner ad appeared, which sparked the beginning of the shift into digital marketing.


What’s great about going digital with ad strategies is that you’re far less restricted than you are with print media and you can provide your demographic with far more information online than you can on paper, as well as targeting specific audiences. 

But you can also use both print and digital marketing in tandem, directing people from one source to the other and keeping them engaged far longer, helping to build up a loyal following in less time.


Digital marketing can also help reveal you as a leader in your industry, building your credibility online and showing your target market that you’re trustworthy as a brand. It represents a great networking opportunity in this regard, giving you the tools to discuss relevant topics with industry players, as well as potential customers.


Digital marketing also allows for communication to flow back to the business. It enables two-way communication and conversation with your customers and the people who view your content on social media, through comments, posts, reviews, messages, re-posts and retweets. This also helps you gain more insight into your customers and audience.


There is so much choice when it comes to how you want to engage with this kind of marketing. 

From banner ads and emails to social media or SEO, it’s all about finding the right strategy for you and your business. The best place to begin is to work out exactly where your audience can be found - and away you go!

Maybe you’re sold on digital marketing, but feel you lack the time and resources to implement it successfully? If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency in Hull, talk to us today.