How Will SEO Be Transformed In The Year Ahead?

How Will SEO Be Transformed In The Year Ahead?

The end of one year and approach of the next is always a good time for individuals and businesses alike to take stock and look forward to the next 12 months. This process can be informed by experts in various fields offering insights into what is likely to lie ahead.

Of course, at this time there will be those with crystal balls trying to predict everything from the latest fashion and interior design trends to what may happen in the world of information technology. Those predictions will often not be accurate and at variance with those of other experts, so they need to be taken with a pinch of salt.

However, when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), there is every reason to seek help from an SEO consultant in Yorkshire, because the one thing that is certain is that SEO will change in 2023, because it is forever moving.

This point was noted by Retail Times, which noted how various trending keywords and topics have changed. It gave the example of ‘working from home’ being far more relevant at the start of 2022 than at the end, as countries have moved away from lockdowns and other Covid restrictions.

It went on to predict that SEO tends in 2023 will include more ‘niche’ SEO services, listing on-page SEO, Off-page SEO, Local SEO, Social Media SEO and more as areas all requiring specialist expertise in their own right. 

This is just one of many predictions for the year ahead. Earlier this month, Search Engine Journal said many of the developments in 2023 will come as a result of a hectic 2022 for Google in which its algorithms were given a major overhaul. 

It predicted this will lead to more emphasis on short-form videos that combine well with social media and increased visual search. This will mean the kind of content you have on your website, especially of the visual kind, will itself be an increasingly important part of your SEO strategy.

Moreover, because these changes are set to happen because of the most recent Google algorithm changes, these are not wild predictions, but the things you should be seeking help with now.